About Me

Image of family.
The Fam. I'm the one with bright pink hair.

Hola! I am Ciri (she/her), la jefa (boss lady, head chef, and lead toilet scrubber), over here at Woods Waves and Wonders. I am a married, homeschooling mom of three. My two eldest are TeenSavages and my youngest KidSavage is a rambunctious 7 year old. Currently, we all live in an RV with two large dogs and two senior cats. Yes, "we are all a bit mad here..." We have spent the last two years traveling the country full time, but are now ready to set down some roots and hang around a bit.

I was bitten by the travel bug while stationed in Kaiserslautern, Germany for three years as an active duty army soldier. I learned animal nursing through the military and spent a pretty fun decade working as a veterinary technician. While I loved all aspects of vet med and working with small animals such as dogs, cats, and exotic pets, the Military Working Dogs from my army days hold a special place in my heart.

I left that world to focus on my family and education; I got a degree, had my third spawn (at the same time 0/10 do not recommend). After a bit, my husband and I decided we needed to cut ourselves loose from homeownership and roam the USA. So… we (read:I) spent a couple years updating our home (new floors, new tiling, new interior paint, new wall coverings, new fencing-lots of DIY shenanigans) so we could sell and realize our dream of full time RV traveling. You know, in all my spare time while schooling elementary and middle schoolers and having a toddler running around. Coffee is my best friend, for reals.

We sold our home in two days! Yay, all that blood, sweat, and tear equity! We threw whatever crap we wanted to save into a storage unit and off we went! We meandered from North Carolina (our starting point) to the very tippy top of California. When you think of Northern California, you think of Redding or even gasp the Bay Area (that’s not north y’all). Yeah…those aren’t north enough. Think South Oregon. Well, we had booked a monthlong stay here back in June 2022 and basically never left. I completely fell in love with this area, the people, the vibe; it all just felt like I could be home here.

So, we stayed, and as we became more integrated into this little town, I decided that I wanted to do more things. Seeing a trend? I need to keep my mind and hands busy or I get sad and restless. I have always loved making things; Acts of Service is my love language, so making things for others felt inevitable. I am excited to see how this endeavor plays out. I have big dreams and a big drive to succeed while bringing all y’all along with me! Let’s do this!

Hasta Luego!