Craft Shack Chronicles Ep. 2
Hey Y'all! Episode 2 is out and ready for your viewing pleasure! I'm pretty proud of it if I say so myself. I mean, I'm no Speilberg...but from zero to 2 videos is nothing to be ashamed of! Anyway-check it out!
In other news, Woods Waves and Wonders on Etsy is still chugging along. No sales yet, but I am steadily adding products and remain hopeful. Unfortunately, the sticker market is pretty saturated, so getting my listings seen is proving difficult. So far I've driven about 90% of traffic and Etsy has only done 10%. This means that actual people ready to buy some stuff are not even getting a chance to view my creations. It's alright though-I remain undaunted! Ok...slightly daunted...or even totally and completly daunted on bad days...but I will persevere!
If you all feel like some cute LGBTQIA+ stickers need to be in your life, then head over to Etsy and help me with my dauntedness or lack thereof (pretty sure that's not a thing, but you get me!)
If you want to watch my continued awkwardness and very "unpro" tips at getting a shop up and off the ground, then The Craft Shack Chronicles is your place.
Or both. Both is good. I won't complain. Remember to be kind to each other-it's wild out there y'all!
Until next time, Amigos! Ciri-out.