1 min read

The First Episode of the "Craft Shack Chronicles"

The First Episode of the "Craft Shack Chronicles"

I have a problem with scope creep. Ten months ago, the concept of opening an Etsy shop was litterally to make some stickers, pin banners, and "whosits and whatsits galore. You want thing-a-ma-bobs? I got 20!" Ok...getting off topic and into Disney song lyrics... ANYWAY.

Scope Creep. My Etsy shop concept rapidly evolved into A BUSINESS EMPIRE MUAHAHAHAHAH...Seriously, I wanted to start things off "right". I wanted a website (this little gem right here is the result of that.) I wanted a business social media presence. Then, I figured I'd video this whole hot mess, learn how to edit video, find time to create a You Tube channel, and just add that to my ever-growing list of to dos...see where this is going? Like, what the heck am I thinking?!

I'm not. Obvs. But, I think that there is value in showing the whole messy, chaotic, and confusing process. I want you all to see that perpetually time-strapped, easily distractable, technological juniors like me can figure it out-so you can too! So. here's the intro to what will be a regular vlog/laugh at this dork (me) video series on You Tube. As always-connect with me via all the links I post (the Craft Shack gets a bit lonely). Let me know what you think!

An Introduction