Our Origin Story

Woods waves and wonders logo

If you read my About Me (good on ya-that’s some dedication), you’ll know after traveling we settled down for awhile here in the Pacific Northwest. We (I use we because while I am the jefa and face of this biz, it really is a family endeavor and we all work to support and grow one another. This is not some silly “royal we”, I promise.) where was I? Oh right…we decided that I should open up a small shop of handmade items. Our entire familiá is artistic, creative, curious, and driven to make things, so that wasn’t our problem. The challenge has been narrowing down what to make. Through some research ie., following our interests and learning how to make things on YouTube, we came up with the concept of prints. Printed items can mean lots of different things, so honestly, we’re kinda cheating when we say we make prints. We have lots and lots of ideas of fun stuff that we can tie into the concepts of “prints.” I think this is just who we are.

Our name came from several brainstorming sessions where we struggled to convey our love for adventuring, cultivating curiosity, our values, and deep connection to our earth and all of her natural wonders. We live in a gorgeous area with both lush forests, and the mesmerising ocean. I have always been called to the water (I joke that I am a pasty-skinned, middle-aged, millenial,  Mexican-American, Moana...but, it’s kinda true). My person and partner in this life is more of a mountains and trees dude, so this place really spoke to both of us. Thus, Woods Waves and Wonders: Prints of Joy was born.

We had a *heh hem* brand! Much official, many profesh. Now time for some real work! Since we are literally funding this endeavor with love, a full time job, coffee, and sleep sacrifices, paying a designer to make us a logo wasn’t an option. With my usual “how hard could it be” attitude (answer: very hard), I learned just enough Affinity Designer and logo making concepts to eke out our humble logo. Don’t judge me too harshly-I am very proud of it. I went from literally zero graphic program knowledge to something recogizable in a couple of months! Big thanks to Udemy, and YouTube-we live in such a cool time where you can literally learn a skill through a few bucks and clicks on the internet. Not saying that graphic designers and artisans are not worth their skill-they absolutely are, but when you’re tiny and poor…gotta make it work how you can.

I love our logo. I love our brand name. I want Woods Waves and Wonders to mean something one day. I want you to hear, buy or receive something from us and be happy. I want you to think, “oh hey, Woods Waves and Wonders is that company that started in a shed (literally) and makes fun stuff for people. They’re a really cool company too because they’re super ethical and eco-concious, and even though they’re small, they’re showing us how we can do the same.” We want to be on the good guys side of business stewardship. If “history has its eyes on [us],” then we want history to smile.

Embody integrity, Spread kindess, Inspire Joy. Wonder is a superpower.

Woods Waves and Wonders (just Ciri actually)-Out