Vision, Mission, Values

Vision, Mission, Values
Very Large and old Redwood Tree


Oh boy-here we go…bear with us, friends. No eye rolls! We happen to actually believe in our vision. We have big dreams for the kind of world we want to live, raise children, and leave to future generations. Seriously, we are pretty idealistic, but honestly, if not us then who? If each and every one of us doesn’t hold a vision in our hearts for ourselves and things greater than us, what do we hope, strive, and persevere towards? With that soapbox out of the way…

Our Vision

At Woods Waves and Wonders, our vision is a world where businesses are successful because they are driven by a values-led and bravely ethical approach, regardless of their size. We believe that a successful business can only exist in a world where people share joy and kindness, and where curiosity, creativity, and collaboration are accessible, inclusive, and welcoming for all.

The world we envision is sustainable, equitable, and just. We strive for a world in which everyone's mental, physical, and spiritual needs are met, allowing them to live fulfilled, joyful lives filled with wonder, awe, and love. We believe that achieving this vision requires a commitment to restoring balance with the earth, so that people are empowered to repair what is broken in our world and encouraged to live in harmony with nature and each other.

It’s a lot, we know. But as the very smart Albert Einstein is quoted,

“Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dreams is more powerful than the one with all the facts.”

Dream big with us. Let us all be powerful together. And, let Wonder be that superpower.

Image of the ocean at sunset


The army veteran in me (Ciri) loves a good mission. Give me a couple of objectives, a few parameters or constraints, some skills and resources, and set me free. I will pursue that mission with the dogged determination of a cat demanding to be let outside at 3am! If you know, you know *crying.* And then it wants to come back in, like, 3.6 minutes later…what is up with that?!

We at Woods Waves and Wonders want our Mission to reflect our commitment to achieve our Vision. Which is basically what every business class 101 tells you about Vision and Mission Statements. I guess what we’re really trying to convey is that we take our Vision and Mission very seriously. These are our objectives, y’all. This soldier’s got some purpose to strive toward! That said, here are our marching orders. This is our way of making our most awesome vision of the world real.

Our Mission

Woods Waves and Wonders creates earth-friendly and inclusive products that spread joy, inspire wonder, and promote creativity. We are committed to donating our time, services, resources, and a portion of our revenue to social and environmental causes and organizations that align with our values. Our brand represents integrity, joy, kindness, and service, and we aim to be recognized for our positive impact on the world.

We believe that by working towards a restorative balance with the earth, we can create a world that is more equitable and just for all. We are dedicated to empowering others to join us on this mission to make our vision a reality.

Wonder, integrity, kindness, and joy;
These are the values we employ!

Ooooooo! Look at us getting all poetic and stuff. That’s a heck of a business mantra if we say so ourselves!


Ahhhh yisss-my favorite! No, really. I (Ciri) love me some good values! They’re such a powerful guiding light. When you know your core values and practice the bravery it requires to live by them, decisions become clearer. We regularly check in with our values when an issue comes up. If it doesn’t check the boxes, it is not in accordance with our values and should not be a part of us.

But…this is also a tough world to get by in and sometimes we make compromises and sacrifices. Our promise is that in those cases-we are fully honest about the thought processes and actions behind those compromises and sacrifices. For example, our products are not 100% eco-concious. We don’t have that capability of producing our products in such a manner-yet. But, rest assured that we are continously researching and looking for ways to acheive this goal-it is our mission after all!

That said-errr…written-we work really stinkin’ hard to make as few compromises as possible. Sacrifices….well…Captain America is my fave Marvel hero…kinda explains the altruistic and idealistic bent, right? Remember friends, as President Barack Obama once said, “Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.” As hard as we may try, we will all fall short of our ideal, and that’s ok! We just gotta get back up and try again for as long as it takes.  Anyway. Here are the values that guide Woods Waves and Wonders everyday as a brand, a business, and on a personal level:


We are committed to operating with the highest levels of integrity in everything we do. We believe that our success is built on trust, honesty, and transparency in every aspect of our behavior and actions. This involves adhering to a strong moral and ethical code, even when no one is watching, and consistently doing the right thing, even if it is difficult or unpopular. Ultimately, integrity is about being true to ourself and our values, and demonstrating those values in our everyday lives.


We believe that joy is an essential part of life, and we seek to infuse our products with a sense of joy and delight. We are passionate about creating handmade goods that bring happiness, gratitude and a sense of playfulness to our customers' lives. We strive to infuse joy into even the most mundane aspects of life and taking the time to savor and appreciate the good things that come our way, especially in the relationships we cultivate with our customers, partners, all other friends we make along our journey.


Our commitment to service is reflected in everything we do. We strive to create products that are not only beautiful and well-made but that also make a positive impact in the lives of our customers. We recognize our interconnectedness with humanity and nature and understand we have a responsibility to use our skills, resources, and abilities to make a difference in the world. This can take many forms, from volunteering in our local communities, to working to address larger social or environmental issues, to simply being kind and compassionate to those around us in our daily interactions. We are committed to using our skills and resources to make a difference in the world and to create a more just and equitable society.


We believe that kindness is an essential value, and we seek to treat every person with the utmost respect, empathy, and compassion. We recognize the inherent worth and dignity of every individual and are passionate about creating connections and relationships distiguinshed by their mutual respect and thoughtfulness. We believe that by building a business characterized by kindness and care, we can create a more supportive and inclusive community, and help to foster a world that is characterized by greater empathy and understanding.

Well. That’s a tough act to follow.

I gave y’all a jingle at the end of our mission statement, a wise quote after our vision; now what? I guess I will leave you with some advice. Yup, gonna be all sage and parental and stuff. Know your values. If not, figure out what they are. Be certain of them. Let them guide you. Base your decisions, actions, behaviors and goals on those values. While you’re at it, don’t forget to spread some kindness and inspire some joy, ok?